
Brief Information

Chirag is spoken in the village of Chirag in the east of Agulsky District of the Republic of Dagestan. The village is located 20 km northwest of the village of Tpig, on the Chiragchay River, at an altitude of 2320 m. According to the estimate of the permanent population of the Republic of Dagestan as of January 1, 2019, 511 people live in the village. However, in fact, this figure is much smaller (less than 150 people). At the same time, speakers of Chirag are found in many large cities, such as Makhachkala, Kaspiysk, etc. The largest number of native speakers lives in Kaspiysk (about 800 families of vault dwellers from the village), but many families have representatives of the younger generation (< 35 years old) they almost don't know the language.
The size of the ethnic group is about 2300 people and all of them speak their native language to some extent.


The Chirag language belongs to the Dargin group of the Nakh-Dagestan language family. It is so different from the literary Dargin language that they are not mutually intelligible. Apparently, Chirag represents the earliest idiom, which has separated from the Pradargin language.


Chirag residents live in the village of Chirag in the east of the Agul district of the Republic of Dagestan, also inhibit many large cities, such as Makhachkala and Kaspiysk.

Language contacts and multilingualism

No data.

The Chirag language has no special legal status.

The Chirag language has no officially accepted written norm.

There is no official literary norm of the Chirag language.

Dynamics of language usage

The language transmission to children still remains, but not in all families. In many families, representatives of the younger generation (< 35 years old) almost do not know the language.


There are about 10 vowels and 43 consonant phonemes in Chirag.

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Morphological type of language: mostly agglutinative.

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The basic word order is SOV. Ergative alignment.

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No data.

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Language experts

Dmitry Sergeevich Ganenkov
(Moscow, Russia)

Dmitry Sergeevich Ganenkov was one of the participants of the project of the University of Bamberg on documenting Chirag, along with Geoffrey Haig and N. K. Bogomolova (the project has a duration from 2014 to 2017). He led the collection of audio and video materials on the Chirag language.

Core references

Grammatical descriptions: grammars, sketches




Selected papers on grammatical issues

Evstigneeva A. P. Soglasovanie v chiragskom darginskom. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana [Approval in Chirag Darginsky district.  Acta Linguistica Petropolitana] 2017. T. 13, ch. 1. S. 605–626.

Kibrik A. E., Kodzasov S. V. Sopostavitel'noe izuchenie dagestanskikh yazykov. Imya. Fonetika. Darginskiy yazyk (chiragskiy dialekt) [Comparative study of Dagestani languages. Name. Phonetics. Dargin language (Chirag dialect)]M.: MGU, 1990.

Kibrik A. E., Kodzasov S. V. Sopostavitel'noe izuchenie dagestanskikh yazykov. Glagol. Darginskiy yazyk (chiragskiy dialekt). [Comparative study of Dagestani languages. Verb. Dargin language (Chirag dialect)] M.: MGU, 1988.

Kibrik A. E. Materialy k tipologii ergativnosti. Darginskiy yazyk (chiragskiy dialekt). Predvaritel'nye publikatsii Instituta russkogo yazyka AN SSSR. Vyp. 127. M.: MGU, 1977. (Pereizdanie: Kibrik A.E. Konstanty i peremennye yazyka.[ . Materials for the typology of ergativity. Dargin language (Chirag dialect). Preliminary publications of the Russian Language Institute] SPb: Aleteyya, 2003. S. 482–504)

Musaev M.-S. M. Chiragskiy dialekt darginskogo yazyka // Voprosy russkogo i dagestanskogo yazykoznaniya.[ Chirag dialect of the Dargin language // Questions of Russian and Dagestan linguistics.] Makhachkala, 1975.

Corpora and text collections

Corpus of Chirag Dargwa

The Chirag language corpus was prepared by D. S. Ganenkov in 2016 as part of the project on documenting the Chirag language at the University of Bamberg. The volume of the corpus is about 10.000 words.

Other electronic resources

Chirag Documentation Project

Website of the Chirag Language Documentation project of the University of Bamberg.

The Intercontinental Dictionary Series

The website of the project "Series of Intercontinental Dictionaries (IDS)" presents a dictionary of the Chirag language with a volume of 1350 words.

Data for this page kindly provided by

Based on the project on documentation of the Chirag language of the University of Bamberg (participants: Jeffrey Haig, D. S. Ganenkov, N. K. Bogomolova) and also materials from the publications of A. E. Kibrik and his colleagues.